Getting Started


pytvdbapi is created to be an easy to use and intuitive Python API for the TV-Show database It is designed with the intention of making it easier and faster to develop applications using data from, without having to bother about working with the raw data provided.


The best and recommended way to install pytvdbapi is to use pip. To install, issue the following command in a shell:

$ pip install pytvdbapi

Depending on on what system and where you install pytvdbapi you may need root privileges to perform the above command.


pytvdbapi depends on the following external packages:

If you install using the above description, the dependencies will be installed for you if you do not already have them on your system.

Supported Versions

The following python versions are supported by pytvdbapi.

  • 2.6
  • 2.7
  • 3.3
  • 3.4

It may work on other Python versions but they are not actively supported and tested against.

Known Issues

The following issues/problems with pytvdbapi are known.

  • No support for connections through proxy servers.